Monday, October 5, 2009

DDAVP and Hemophilia

I forgot when I did this, but I remember memorizing that DDAVP can be used as a treatment for hemophilia. In my current state of trying to understand what I've memorized, I've learned something new.

Desmopressine acetate (DDAVP) is known to increase the plasma concentration of factor VIII and von Willebrand factor. It has therefore been successfully used as a treatment for mild to moderate hemophilia A. DDAVP will only increase factor VIII about 2-6 times above baseline, and vWF about 2-4 times above baseline. Thus, it is usually possible to increase the factor VIII to hemostatic levels in moderate hemophilia A.

DDAVP has minimal effect on factor IX and so is not used as treatment for hemophilia B. Recent trials have shown that there may be enough of a factor IX increase to warrant DDAVP's use in patients with mild hemophilia B, but this has not been adopted yet.

So, in summary - DDAVP is effective for hemophilia A, not for hemophilia B.

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